So it's up and running - the exhibition that is...
Martin and I worked until 12.30am Friday morning, were back at it by 7.30am before the doors opened at 10.00am.
It looked well but was not complete, though visitors wouldn't have known that - we figured.
I spent the rest of the day tweaking and adjusting and I was on duty, invigilating, all day Saturday up to and including the formal opening of the six exhibitions at 5.30pm.
There was a massive attendance, 500 or more, despite the heavens having decided to open - and stay open - for most of the evening.
My effort seemed to be well received and I confess to having felt quite proud. The information panels, and the brochure with the same content, designed and organised by Terry Bannon, added a strand of professionalism to the presentation.
I was back on duty yesterday afternoon so today is the first moment I have had to draw breath.
Follow some very preliminary pictures.
Better shots will follow - I promise and later in the day I will put up the brochure.